Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Night Shade: An anthology of Adult horror & ghost stories.


Calling all writers of horror and creepy stuff! Little Bird Publishing will be launching it's anthology 'Night Shade' in the Summer of 2013. It is the bigger, badder, darker big sister to 'Dark Heart' (The YA anthology we released earlier this year.)

The Theme is BONES & REMAINS although this theme is intended to inspire rather than restrict. You are welcome to take these words in any direction you wish.

Night Shade will comprise of seven / eight short stories and is designed to be a showcase for indie and small press authors.

Although we are not currently in a position to pay you for your story in money, the idea of Dark Heart & Night Shade is that they are a platform to market your work and connect with readers. It is also an opportunity to hook up with fellow authors and engage in cross promotion. We will continually support your marketing, offering you slots on our blog, placing you on our LBPH website, offering tweets and shoutouts via Twitter and promoting you on Facebook. We will continue to support as you release new works.

Of course, you also get to say that you have had a short story 'published' by us which all adds to your writer's C.V.

After initially being on sale for $2.99 for a couple of months until all costs are covered, the anthology will be part of the Amazon KDP select program and will be offered for Free for a five day period (During which time we will co-ordinate a big push) Once this has finished, it will be on sale for $0.99 and any profits raised after this time will go to a charity voted for by the contributors.

Widgets will be placed on the blog that will track the funds we have raised.

We will also be producing a paperback which will be available to purchase from us at cost. We will be using the paperbacks mainly for swag. Any profits from the paperback after costs will go into the charity pot. We will use some of the money to fund the swag, postage and marketing of the anthology.

Submission gates will open on FEB 20th 2013.
Works should be between 5,000 and 10,000 words.
Poetry will be considered.

Please top your MS with your name, your postal address, your e-mail address and your social networking links.

Please ensure that MS are formatted in the following way:
Page size:  A4
Font: Times New Roman or Garamond
Size:  12
Spacing: 1 and 1/2
Paragraph style:  U.K traditional indentation
PLEASE USE RULERS for Indentation of dialogue and paragraph rather than space bar.
Please ensure that work has been through a grammar and spell check.

You will maintain copyright and intellectual property of your story. (We are just borrowing it)
You will be required to sign a release form so that we have proof you are happy for us to use it infinitum.
You CAN submit previously published stories as long as you own the copyright.
Traditional ghost stories and dark fairy tales are also welcome.

We're pretty open minded her at LBPH but at the same time we don't wish to publish erotica or extreme gore-fests.

Sex scenes in context are acceptable, although gratuitously explicit scenes which involve extreme  violence / sado-masochism will not be accepted. If there are themes of sexual abuse or rape, then we request that you deal with the issue sensitively and justly in a mainstream fashion. We understand that sexual undertones or motivations are part of horror and will accept them within limits.

Obviously violence or implied violence are part of most horror. Again, we are not prudish but please ensure that the violence is not gratuitous or there just for the shock value.

As touchstone guidance works in the style of Poe, Lovecraft, King, Koontz etc.

Please send your submission to Kitty Rackham on this e-mail address littlebirdpublishinghouse@yahoo.com

We look forward to reading your tales.

Katie and Kitty.

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