Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Dark Heart Volume 2: Open Submissions

We are pleased to announce that we are now taking submissions for Volume II of 'Dark Heart'. The theme is 'Mirrors & Tears' and aims to collate together 7-10 Dark Fairytales for a YA audience (word count 1,000 - 10,000) plus a collection of poetry.

The genre includes horror, paranormal romance, occult etc, with an audience level of 14+yrs.

LBPH is passionate about offering new writers the opportunity to be published as well as wishing to support authors who have already published novels. There are no age limitations so whether you are twelve or a hundred and twelve, feel free to submit your story. We also accept stories from writers all over the world.

The whole idea behind the Dark Heart & Night Shade anthologies is to offer readers the opportunity to discover new writers. Each author has a bio included at the end of their story with links to their website and books. In the run up to publication each author will have the opportunity to partake in interviews and spotlights on this blog and featured over a range of social media platforms.

We sell the anthologies at a low price, and even give them away (this is not a money making exercise and we can't promise anybody is going to get rich from it) and the little profits that we do make from Amazon we stick in a pot and give to charity; meaning everything about this anthology feels good!

You also get to keep the rights to your story and are free to publish it elsewhere at the same time.

Please contact FAO Kitty Rackham at if you have any questions or would like any further details.
You can also find out more details at the Little Bird Publishing House website as well as learn more about us.

Night Shade Volume I: The Joys of Editing.

Here at LBPH we are excited to be nearing the end of the first edits of the selected Night Shade (Vol I) stories. It's not that we don't LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the stories that are to be included, but editing is a long and eye-aching task and we are now all really excited about returning the stories to their owners, which will be happening in the next two to three weeks.

However, editing is not all bad, in fact there are some really lovely things about editing an author's work. It allows you to really study and understand how a writer works and how a story comes to be. When you edit an anthology this process is highlighted. it's amazing how each writer approaches writing so differently - as well as each having their own particular idiosyncratic naughty habits LOL!

'Dark Heart' will be appropriately be published in e-Book and paperback
in October, just in time to give you those Halloween creeps. Keep in touch so you don't miss your copy.

Sunday, 14 July 2013

Dark Heart Charity Quest

SO FAR WE HAVE RAISED $60 towards our $150 goal. 

The whole philosophy and ethos behind Dark Heart and Night Shade is about authors working together to share their work in a collective anthology in order to reach new audiences. Priced at just $0.99 on Amazon with a 30% royalty, we decided that a good way to get over all the royalty issues (quite minimal on such a set up) was to donate all profits after production costs (which are around $150) to a charity chosen by the authors. 

For Dark Heart Volume 1, the money will be going to Young Minds Charity; a charity that supports young carers of parents with mental health issues as well as promoting mental health in schools. So far we have raised a total of $60. Now we all know that isn't going to rock the world in the same way as Live Aid or any of the other amazing charity events, but $60 is $60 and we've had to sell quite a few books to cover production costs and raise that much - so in my book, this is a great success! 

Brilliant News about Night Shade Horror Anthology.

Here at Little Bird Publishing House we are looking forward to the release of the first Night Shade Anthology in October 2013.
We have selected a collection of truly brilliant stories from some incredibly talented writers and are currently running through initial edits.
Keep posted here for details and to catch the author interviews and spotlights that will start in August.