Monday 27 January 2014

Dark Heart Volume 2 Submission Gate Open until March 1st

Submission gates are now open (until March 1st) for short stories and poetry with the theme of Mirrors & Tears.

Dark Heart is our annual anthology of Young Adult Dark Fairytales with a horror or paranormal twist.

It is a non-profit making project, with the main objective being to gather together some of the best emerging indie talent out there and introduce them to a new audience. The anthology comes out in paperback and e-book (any profits after the publishing, editing and art costs go into the charity pot)

It is a chance for authors to add a new publisher to their C.V and to showcase your work through your short story and the attached Bio and author focus at the end of each published story.


The length of the piece can be anything from 500 words of flash fiction - 10,000 full short story. Please do not submit anything over 10% of the maximum.

Poetry is welcome.

We welcome works from all authors between the ages of 14-114+

It is a Young Adult / Cross over audience - so keep a leash on the gore and sex.

Your work can have been published elsewhere (as long as you hold the copyright and it is not under any kind of agreement)

The theme is Mirrors and Tears (although this is very open to interoperation)

Please ensure the MS follows the following formatting rules - it's just good manners!

  • ensure that your stories are submitted in Times New Roman size 12 with a spacing of one and half lines. 
  •  ensure that your MS is formatted properly (you wouldn't believe the amount of time it takes our team to sort formatting mess out!!) USE your rulers at the top of the page to set the dialogue / paragraph indents. 

  • Use traditional paragraphing format (no space between please) 

  • Please, please check your work carefully prior to submission. We know that no matter how careful you are some type errors will be missed - that's the nature of self-editing - however please be as very diligent as you can be, ensuring rewrites and corrections are made before submission. 
Send Submissions To: 
F.A.O Kitty at as a word doc attachment.

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